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"The Oyster Man" sheet music cover

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"The Oyster Man" sheet music cover, M. Witmark and Sons, Richard Carlin, 1907

Ernest Hogan portrayed on the cover of "The Oyster Man," his musical comedy that he starred in and produced

Rudi Blesh and Mike Lipskin, interviewers, "We Didn't Have A Negro Act"--Eubie Blake

Rudi Blesh and Mike Lipskin, interviewers, "We Didn't Have A Negro Act"--Eubie Blake, Richard Carlin, 1967

Eubie Blake speaks about the nature of his vaudeville act with Noble Sissle.

Sissle and Blake, c. 1921

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Sissle and Blake, c. 1921, Unknown, Richard Carlin, c. 1921

A performance photograph of the duo Eubie Blake and Noble Sissle taken during their vaudeville days.

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